Submission Guidelines For Abstract

  • The word limit for abstract should be 250 to 300 words with 3 or 4 key words.
  • The abstract to be submitted to along with 50 words of bio-note.
  • The author shall pay a nominal processing charge of Rupees Five Hundred Only (INR 500/-) after selection of the abstract.

Submission Guidelines For Full Paper

  • The word limit for scholarly articles is 3000 to 5000 words i.e. a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 pages.
  • The papers must be in 12-point Times New Roman. (In accordance with latest APA style)
  • The papers must be original and hitherto unpublished. No simultaneous submissions are allowed. The authors are required to give an undertaking that their paper(s) is/are original.
  • The author must submit high resolution images.
  • The author shall have to procure copyrights for image/photo used in the paper.

Sub – Themes

  • Adaptations of Literary Works in Indian Cinema
  • Economics of Media Houses and Creative Industries
  • Economy of Social and Cultural Capital
  • Heritage History and Beyond
  • Indian Society and Cultural Revivalism
  • Philosophical Reflections on Indian Culture, Literature and Cinema
  • Politics, Literature and Cinema
  • Popular Culture and Inclusivity
  • Representation of History through Cinema
  • Any other topics related to the theme